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Fields flier stand-in identified

Sources tell VirginiaFields.com that the white lady appearing on the 'before' version of the Photogate flier (see below), and subsquently replaced with the head of an unidentified asian woman, is Fields supporter and Democratic activist Trudy Mason. Among other things, she has been described as a Fields supporter, a Democratic State Committeewoman, and associated with the East Side Lexington Club.

One Politicker comment from "East Side Dem" said, "No wonder the Fields campaign wanted to change the flyer."

Another comment from Fields critic "Lead Dog" said, "Editing out Trudy Mason is the only smart thing the Fields campaign ever did. It is almost reason to forgive the folderol, and to support Fields."

The white male, whose head was replaced by that of an asian male, looks awfully familiar. Looking closely, in both cases the heads were replaced but not the bodies or clothing. Sort of like Pierce Brosnan and Sarah Jessica Parker in Mars Attacks.