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June 29, 2005

Fields may be inclusive for stock photos, but not real people

The New York Press reports this photo was manufactured by the Virginia Fields campaign:

Normally, when politicians want to demonstrate support from an ethnic group, they whip up some buttons and distribute them to supporters from that demographic. Bloomberg takes the button-cake again this year, with a myriad of political buttons like "Haitians for Bloomberg" and "Jews for Bloomberg" in Hebrew.
But C. Virginia Fields is trying a different tack: Photoshopping the desired minority community directly into her literature. Look closely at the two Asians in the bottom left of this image, supposedly listening intently to one of Fields' multi-culti corner pep talks. Can you say "floating heads"? The Fields campaign may need to work on its outreach in Chinatown, but more urgently it needs a new graphic designer.

And is that Bertha Lewis looking to give Virginia a wet one?

The original article is here.

Posted by Merkookio at 04:47 PM | Comments (1)

June 02, 2005

Strike the pose

You would think NY1's Dominic Carter would get it. Andrew Kirtzman has, but not Carter. And this was not the first time C. Virginia Fields had been taken to task on Inside City Hall for her poor record.

Generally Carter treats Fields with kid gloves, holding anything resembling a penetrating question to "was it a crime" to anyone that dares cross his transom as if it were the only thing he understands.

But on the June 1st broadcast he did muster his courage asking Fields to respond to Chris Smith's piece from last week's New York Magazine.

On the stump, Fields frequently lapses into narcotizing progressive-bureaucratic verbiage. Confronted with a specific issue, she's a great fan of appointing commissions to study the subject.

Responding to this snip -- you guessed it -- she lapsed into narcotic progressive-bureaucratic verbiage. In other words, it was more mush about appointing study commissions and listening to people; the latter being one of her most striking faults.

But if that wasn't enough, during a later segment while interviewing former Council member Stanley Michels, a current candidate to succeed Fields in the BP position, the first caller stated:

Lee in Manhattan: I'm a resident of Manhattan, and C. Virginia Fields cannot point to one thing that she has done in office -- and I am a staunch Democrat. But as you say, the Borough President is almost like a mini-mayor and I don't mean that as an insult. There are so many issues that are in Manhattan. This woman does nothing but pose for the cameras and now I can't believe she wants to ruin the entire city as much as she's ruined Manhattan. What would you do -- just to give you a brief example -- when it comes to all the heavy traffic that's in this borough, especially when there are feasts and fairs. Would you do something such as to tell people they can't drive their own private vehicles into the city when there are X amount of fairs or feasts in the city, where you have like, three or more?

We'll leave Michels response to some other time. He too, has problems.

Posted by Merkookio at 07:39 AM