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Virginia Fields ... makes our skin crawl

Letter to the Editor
The Villager
December 9, 2005

Column kissed up to politicians

Re "Time to impose some authority on Liquor Authority" (talking point, by Ed Gold, Nov. 30):

Ed Gold's talking point misses the point, in that it derives its conclusions largely from the politicians who have stood idly by or have grandstanded for political gain. Some have substantively done nothing or have been complicitous. Most glaring is the mention of notoriously bar-friendly C. Virginia Fields's name. Fields regularly was adversarial to the residential interests in her borough.

It makes our skin crawl to hear these politicians' names identified as community champions.

While a community-based attorney was highlighted, it would be appreciated if the dubious initiatives of our politicians were reported with more perspective. For example, why cite Eva Moskowitz's political treatise on the S.L.A., when your own newspaper printed a letter by a coalition of outraged Lower East Side residents several months ago? Cite the initiatives of local residents--not those looking for votes--and get their perspective.

In fairness, The Villager has been at the forefront of reporting the conflicts, in general. However, when one reads Gold's column, it sounds like things would be so much better if the S.L.A. would only listen to our angelic local politicos.... I need a shower.

Robert Weitz

See the orginal letter here.