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Fields Fall Guy gets West Side Dog Scraps

Joseph Mercurio, fired by the Virginia Fields campaign for his alleged involvement in doctoring a photograph in the famous Fields Photogate flier, has landed a job with Carlos Manzano, perhaps the weakest and most laughable candidate to succeed Virginia Fields as Manhattan Borough President.

Manzano has never held public office as is seen as a tool of the West Side McManus Democratic Club (which often endorses Republicans). Manzano may need Mercurio's Photoshop expertise. Here's an actual Manzano flier.

Some comments to Mercurio's new job on The Politicker include:

After all it is Friday -- Wayne Barrett (if he's on tonight) needs some new jokes for Reporter's Roundtable. Now he has two.

I think what Rangel meant was that Mercurio would never work for a serious political candidate in this town again... and so far he remains correct.

He's no fall guy. He was stupid (or desparate) enough to work for Fields and now Manzano. How many would actually admit they talked Fields into running?

It's good to know that my taxpayer dollars are paying Carlos Manzano to hire a new political consultant for his pathetic campaign effort.